2022 ASLA Awards

At a ceremony at Denver Art Museum on Thursday, September 8, 2022, MUNDUS BISHOP was honored with an award from the Colorado chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).

Denver Art Museum received a Merit Award for urban design. ASLA’s Merit Award is “presented to recognize outstanding professional accomplishment in the profession.”

The transformation of Denver Art Museum’s (DAM) North Building—Gio Ponti’s 1971 mid-century modern masterpiece—has re-established the museum as the city’s cultural complex hub. The new, resilient campus is the key urban link between downtown Denver, its cultural institutions, and city neighborhoods, connecting Denver’s Civic Center and cultural and public buildings, including Denver’s Central Library, Clyfford Still Museum, and the City and County Building.

The rehabilitation of the North Building and removal of a dilapidated, non-historic building allowed for the grounds of the historic setting to be redesigned. New outdoor spaces and experiences, resilient gardens, the redesign of Acoma Plaza, and the addition of the Sie Welcome Center have created a new center to the DAM campus. The grounds unite its buildings, provide critically needed programmatic space, and activate the public realm. The DAM site redesign weaves together historic preservation and sustainability with exemplary urban design to create a beautiful and cohesive campus that is resilient and welcoming to museum visitors and the public alike.

Click here to read more about the project and to see a list of all the 2022 ASLA CO award recipients.


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